Friday, January 31, 2014

Procrastination - Prime enemy #1

     So in my last post I introduced myself, Today I have a confession. I am a procrastinator, a huge one. I hate deadlines I hate appointments...well I don't really hate them, I just usually forget about them which leads to losing doctors and sometimes jobs, losing money and sometimes my sanity...but I know that I have to live with these things because without them nothing would get done.

     My goal is (as the title of this blog states) to Stay on track. I would like to report that January was...a complete failure. Maybe not completely but for the most part to be sure. I did manage to make a few crafts, crafts which have not been posted for sale or even had pictures taken of them. I did start this blog which up until today has only had one post (and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has viewed it) I did have potential customers contact me for Mary Kay sales, I did not follow up with them!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

      I dont neeeed anyone to answer that. I know what is wrong. I procrastinated and I did it till I lost those customers...that is wrong I assume that I have lost them because I still have not contacted them. I have not made any money and Feb 8th is my son's Birthday, I have nothing but my pintrest posts to show what I wanted to do but cannot afford to do for him. I feel ashamed and beaten and I'm very much aware that it is my own fault (which I do believe makes it worse.)

       Now part of my procrastination is allowing myself to sink into depression and wallow. I feel so sorry for myself that i have not gotten anything done that I...don't get anything done! and then I feel worse and we spiral downward...I WILL NOT LET THIS CONTINUE! That being said I need a plan, I need to stick to that plan I need to be held accountable (publicly) for my actions (or lack there of) and I desperately need to escape my excuses!

      So on to step one!

Step one: MAKE A PLAN (and stick to it)

My plan needs to have the following parts to it. I need to be making an income, I need to be centered in my faith and connected with God, I NEED to feel like a good mother...I really most importantly just need to BE a good mother but feeling like I'm doing a good job really boosts productivity and morale and My work space needs to at least be kept in a state of (what Rarity from My Little Pony Calls) Controlled Chaos.

A big part of my plan is that I need to have a schedule waking up at 10am is not getting anything done and doesn't do much for my state of mind waking up to realize that I have wasted much of the day. Mary Kay (the person) said that getting up getting dressed and put on make-up was one of the most important parts of the day, not just because it gives you more time to work but because when you are clean dressed and look pretty you feel good! and when you feel good things are just better, when you feel good and someone says "no" to a sale it is much easier to say "okay" with a smile and move on.

From now on I need to be up at a decent time (aiming for 7:30...we will see how that goes, I'll settle for 8:00) and whether I plan on going out or not I should be Showered, dressed (PJ's don't count), and my son too.

Next part of my plan is to keep up with the daily text challenges from my director. They have been really good ones but due to procrastination and illness and snow I have not been keeping up with them at all! nor have I attended any meetings or plugged into any MK outlets, I know I know I'm horrible.

I need to be at the weekly meetings and plug into MK (if nothing else there is always the million dollar message but my Director is amazing and I love her she is always here if I want to connect)

After my plan is made I just need to stick to it!!

Step 2: Be accountable!

This step will require others I will need to tell people what I am doing when I am doing it and why and be able to show that I am doing what I have said I am going to do! So, I have told you (if anyone reads this) and I have told my father, I will tell my Director, my Best friend Sam and probably the next best bet is my Boyfriend and my Mother. they are the ones I talk to the most and will be the ones who lovingly shove me from the nest and hope I fly.

    I am hoping that I can keep up with posting here at least once a week with status updates if not for my readers than for my own sanity and a way to log some sort of progress.

Step 3: Defeat the 1,000,000 headed monster that is Excuses!

     I am the best when it comes to giving reasons that something didnt happen, and when I say the best I mean I can turn something from a situation that I should have managed and dealt with weeks ago to a sob story where people wonder how I'm keeping my head a float with next to no lies involved. I really do make myself sick sometimes....

    Exibit A.
This past week I did manage to get a few things done, I cleaned part of my bedroom (including my sewing area which is a huge I will not post pictures I'm too ashamed) I made a new sculpture to sell and cooked 2 new recipes which were both awesome.

       During this time I did not sell any items made or MK I did not post anything here I did ignore several texts attempting to get my attention to plan birthday events and I did not wash my dishes.
       Here is the reason why. this past week we passed the 24 hour flu around the house and I had an odd allergy attack with an unknown cause. The allergy attack made me itchy for one day and sore to the point that I couldn't write, or even pick up the pen to try due to joint pain. I did get a ride to the doctor's and they pretty much told me to take benadryl  and call them if anything got worse.  The 24 hour bug started with my son and has now moved on to me. Oh and we got 2 inches of snow which trapped us at the top of our hill for 3 days.        

so where this is all true and reasonable for not getting anything done, I still WANT and NEED to get things done and if I reeeeally really want to I can get something done no matter what!

I will today... 
1. take pictures and post to etsy with my items for sale 
2. I will call my leads back for MK sales 
3. I will call MK corporate about last years unrefunded Career conference money since I never got off the waiting list. 
4. I will get out of this house for a bit even if I just run to the store!

5. I will post tonight about today's completed activities

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